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Pronunciation: græn-di-nês Hear it!

Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: 1. Haily, containing or producing hail, as 'a grandinous storm'. 2. (Medicine) Containing a nodule or nodules, like a nodule.

Notes: Hail! Hail! The gangs all here!Here is a word that apparently hasn't been used since the late 18th century. So, unless you have some very old friends or can communicate with the spirits of the dead, you probably won't find a need for it. However, since haily is also not used, though snowy and rainy are commonplace, I thought you might find some use for it.

In Play: If you are in contact with the spirits of the 18th century, you might speak in tones like this: "The storm was so grandinous, it peeled the paint from the side of Hibernia's house." Don't forget the medical sense of today's word: "Rafe worked in a hat that rubbed his scalp so much that he developed a grandinous knot on the top of his bald head."

Word History: This word came to be in English by means of borrowing and adjusting Latin grandinosus "producing hail, hailstormy" from grando "hail, hailstorm". The Latin word in today's Italian is gradine and Romanian grindina. A Fickle N that is absent in other Indo-European languages does appear in the Latin word. In the Slavic languages, Russian, Polish, and Serbian, the word for hail is grad. Lithuanian gruodas "frozen mud", Czech hrouda "clod", and Slovak hruda "clod" may also be great-grandchildren of the same PIE root. (Our gratitude today is due Grogie, the mysterious Lexiterian in the Alpha Agora for his or her recommendation of today's Good if arcane Word."

Dr. Goodword,

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