Corrections of the Phobia List

How we Corrected the Words we Found

We have searched the major online dictionaries for words on -phobia, -philia, and -mania and have added legitimate derivations from that list. The suffixes in our series, -phobia, -philia, and -mania should be preceded either by an o or an e, rarely i or y; Greek allowed no other vowels and no consonants in this position. Since these semisuffixes are Greek, they should be combined only with Greek words. However, we have left some Latin-Greek mixed compounds in (frigophobia), but words based on constituents from languages other than these two have been culled, e.g. gatophobia, based on Spanish gato "cat", levophobia based on Bulgarian, or Russian levo "to the left" or snakephobia. (While the last form is illegitimate, given the fact that phobia has become an independent noun, snake phobia is acceptable.)

The table below contains a list of some typical corrections we performed.

Word Meaning Problem
levophobia things on the left Russian or Bulgarian stem
snakephobia snakes English stem
spectrophobia specters or ghosts English stem
suriphobia mice French stem
samhainophobia Halloween, Samhain Gaelic; marked as a joke
gatophobia cats Spanish stem
aquaphobia water Typo o/e
liticaphobia lawsuits Typo corrected
siderophobia iron or steel Corrected the meaning
ancraophobia wind Root not Greek or Latin
lockiophobia childbirth Root not Greek or Latin
pteromerhanophobia flying Root not Greek or Latin
scotomaphobia blindness in visual field (?) Root not Greek or Latin
soteriophobia dependence on others Root not Greek or Latin
phthiriophobia lice Typo corrected
myophobia mice Typo corrected
aglophobia algophobia Typo corrected
thaasophobia sitting Typo corrected
poliosophobia contracting poliomyelitis Typo corrected
tocophobia misspelled Typo corrected
spheksophobia wasps Typo corrected
gynophobia women Apparent o/e Typo corrected
zeusophobia Zeus Zeus is not a Greek stem