
Use this forum to suggest Good Words for Professor Beard.
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Great Grand Panjandrum
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Postby Slava » Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:57 pm

A nice topical word.

noun: a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something ("After the crisis the patient either dies or gets better")
▸ noun: an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty ("They went bankrupt during the economic crisis")

c.1425, from Gk. krisis "turning point in a disease" (used as such by Hippocrates and Galen), lit. "judgment," from krinein "to separate, decide, judge," from PIE base *krei- "to sieve, discriminate, distinguish" (cf. Gk. krinesthai "to explain;" O.E. hriddel "sieve;" L. cribrum "sieve," crimen "judgment, crime," cernere (pp. cretus) "to sift, separate;" O.Ir. criathar, O.Welsh cruitr "sieve;" M.Ir. crich "border, boundary"). Transferred non-medical sense is 1627. A Ger. term for "mid-life crisis" is Torschlusspanik, lit. "shut-door-panic," fear of being on the wrong side of a closing gate.
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Grand Panjandrum
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Postby skinem » Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:43 am

Chicken Little is the official mascot...

Interesting. Thank you!

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