List of Group Poems

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List of Group Poems

Postby Audiendus » Tue May 01, 2012 10:19 am

For ease of reference, here is a list of the Group Poems composed so far, including the first lines:

1. Cellular Blues (Sonnet)
They cut my mobile phone off yesterday

2. Chicken Thighs (Sonnet)
She loves me, so she feeds me chicken thighs

3. Blues for Mary (Sonnet)
She had a little lamb, its fleece was blue

4. Logophile's Delight (Poem using Goodwords)
A parsimonious use of words/By quiet sea-birds, Taci Terns

5. Ode to Doctor Goodword (Sonnet using Goodwords)
He's like a hurdy-gurdy's endless tune

6. In Praise of Christmas (Poem using 1-letter, 2-letter word etc in successive lines)
I write to laud the merry feast of Yule

7. Ode to Books (Poem using word ending in A, B, C etc in successive lines)
I have a mania for well-bound tomes

8. The Modern Age (Poem in 18th century style)
As sweet-faced Progress briskly wields her wand

9. The Apple Falls (Poem using anagrams in same line)
The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête

10. Thanksgiving (Poem using Goodwords)
The sedulous and godly folk of yore

11. Joseph's Journey (Poem using words from a list of Christmas carols)
I did not want to go to Bethlehem

12. The Political Jungle (Poem using names of animals in a different sense)
The thought of party politics is difficult to bear

13. Love, Olympic Style (Poem using Olympic associations)
Your eyes are like the stars, my love, or an Olympic flame

14. The Ghost (Poem including words of 4 or more syllables)
While strolling through a graveyard on a moonless night

15. The Vote (Sonnet including words relating to Catholicism or Christianity)
And now it comes to this: we agèd clerics casting lots

16. The Camera (Poem including French words/phrases)
Technology has made us all blasé

17. Doppelgänger: A Poem of Sin and Synonyms (Poem including synonyms in adjacent lines)
I want to be forever good—until I want what's bad

18. Sweet Dreams (Poem including member names)
I dreamed I saw a country parson with an English rose

19. The Sainting of Saint Valentine (Poem including words/phrases relating to sex/love)
Before we canonize this man, there should be intercourse

20. The Shipwreck (Poem in anapaestic metre)
When the crew felt a surge in the strength of the wind

21. Yes, Mrs P (Man/woman conversation about a female President)
But she would have a problem from day one: "First Man" won't do!

22. A Difficult Week (Poem about a week of daily problems)
On Sunday my computer crashed, and no-one could restore it
Last edited by Audiendus on Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:54 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Postby LukeJavan8 » Tue May 01, 2012 11:23 am

Good Work!
I had no idea there had been so many here.
They should be published!
-----please, draw me a sheep-----

Posts: 919
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:08 pm
Location: London, UK

Re: List of Group Poems

Postby Audiendus » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:56 pm

I have updated this list to include the latest poem.

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