Avatars should be back up, other news.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:20 pm

I'm now not seeing my post numbers adding up. I did the advanced search, and it shows 3170. My number on the Index is 3160. I added the above post, and the number stayed the same. Do replies no longer count as posts?

Also, for some reason, these last two posts don't show my signature.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:24 pm

I guess they don't, as the previous two posts did [url=www.alphadictionary.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5753]bupkis[/url].

Gee whiz, I just found out you can't post links anymore.

This really rots.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby LukeJavan8 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:10 pm

And still blank posts in this thread, 7:08 pm.
No reply, slava, from the PM I sent you. I presume you did not get it.
No avatars,
no email notifications of posts,
no daily word of the day.

Andrew maybe you could find some 8 to 10 year old to fix this thing.
I have one next door, perhaps he could call you and give you advice.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby LukeJavan8 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:11 pm

Doc maybe you could start a new site.
This, afterall was your third, right?

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby ashaffer » Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:38 pm

I would ask that everybody please be patient.

I will be working on things this weekend. I have a day job, and busy evenings. Please let me know what isn't working, but note that I certainly don't appreciate ad hominem comments.

I tried to get the site back up and running as fast as possible with styling that matches the rest of the site. I suspect that that's causing some of the problems, so what I'm going to do is start from scratch. I'll revert to the default style that ships with the software, and gradually work towards getting that to look like the rest of http://alphaDictionary.com. So the site might look generic this weekend until that has been completed.

That being said, there *will be differences* between this version of the software and the old version. The old version was at over five years old and needed to be replaced since it was no longer being maintained. (Running software that old leaves us open to security holes which could possibly take down the whole site.)

I'm also looking into the problems with the Goodword. If you're not receiving it, double check that goodword@lexiteria.com is in your address book. It should always be available on the web. We moved to a new server (for the same security reasons as above) and there have been some tricky problems sending email. We might move to a third-party email provider if we can't get the problems sorted out, but that will also take some time.


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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:39 pm

Doc maybe you could start a new site.
This, afterall was your third, right?
Yet another problem. This is now the 4th time I've been told this is an unread message.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby ashaffer » Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:51 pm


If your BBCode isn't working, make sure that you have "Disable BBCode" unchecked at the bottom of the post window (under Options.) I think that might have been part of the problem posting quotes and urls. There are also "Notify me when a reply is posted" options at the bottom as well, which might address some of the issues that were mentioned regarding notifications.


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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:53 pm

Sorry to keep beating up on you, Andrew, but this "upgrade" hasn't gone well.

This phpBB bit is a completely different posting page, I must say. Whatever. I hope it works.

On a different note, on the AlphaDictionary home page, I tried to search for my recent suggestion, ethnonym. All I got was a blank page. I do not expect that is was because there were too many results to display, so you may have yet another problem to deal with there.

Did you ever actually receive my PM from yesterday?

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby ashaffer » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:01 am


Were you searching from the home page, or from the phpBB search box, which is now in the blue box at the top? The two search engines are different. One ties to Google and searches most of the site, and the other is built in to phpBB. I was able to find your suggestion with the phpBB search engine.

-Andrew S.
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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby ashaffer » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:08 am

Yes, I received your PM. Also, do you know how large your avatar image was? The default size was maxed out at 80x80. I've upped the maximum size to 100x100, so if your avatar is smaller than that, give it another try.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:18 am


Were you searching from the home page, or from the phpBB search box, which is now in the blue box at the top? The two search engines are different. One ties to Google and searches most of the site, and the other is built in to phpBB. I was able to find your suggestion with the phpBB search engine.

-Andrew S.
I do not know what the phpBB search box is. I type in http://www.alphadictionary.com/bb and I get the brown AD header with blue sections of topics below.

Avatars and info on the right, not on the left as usual. And, as mentioned, it's all blue. All.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:20 am

[quote="ashaffer"]Yes, I received your PM. Also, do you know how large your avatar image was? The default size was maxed out at 80x80. I've upped the maximum size to 100x100, so if your avatar is smaller than that, give it another try.


I'll check it out, though I expect it may have been taller.

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby ashaffer » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:31 am

The phpBB search box is at the top to the right of the "Alpha Agora" logo. (Little magnifying glass in a box.)

Also, look for the "Disable BBCode" checkbox at the bottom if you want the URL, bold, etc. to work.

It will be blue until I can restyle it.

There is a "View your posts" link at the top which automatically does the advanced search that you were talking about. This was missing from the old template, I believe.

I'm not sure what's going on with the "unanswered posts" feature - is that behaving as expected?
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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby Slava » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:49 am

[quote="ashaffer"]The phpBB search box is at the top to the right of the "Alpha Agora" logo. (Little magnifying glass in a box.)

Also, look for the "Disable BBCode" checkbox at the bottom if you want the URL, bold, etc. to work.

It will be blue until I can restyle it.

There is a "View your posts" link at the top which automatically does the advanced search that you were talking about. This was missing from the old template, I believe.

I'm not sure what's going on with the "unanswered posts" feature - is that behaving as expected?[/quote]

The phpBB search block is now visible, as long as we're blue.

Disable BBCode: does this mean disable it to make it work, or vice versa? When I respond to you, I'm told BBCode if OFF, with the OFF in italics. I can't do that here. Is that because you turned them off for this thread?

View Your Posts: it shows every thread I've posted in, not my actual posts.

Unanswered Posts: just returned zero results. Apparently some 150 posts were answered in the last 3 days.

Good news, I think. I just got a massive dump of notifications that there new posts and PMs. A day late and a dollar short, but if it is going to start working at long last, I can deal.

Except that the message Subject is "eply...." There seems to be an R missing there, wouldn't you say?

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Re: Avatars should be back up, other news.

Postby ashaffer » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:57 am

If "Disable BBCode" is unchecked, the BBCode is enabled. It might in fact be a thread thing (I'm logged in as my administrator user, so it might be different for me.)

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