
Use this forum to suggest Good Words for Professor Beard.
William Hupy
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Postby William Hupy » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:34 am

The origin of this word from Latin, I take it, means seed, and certainly has spawned many words in English and I venture to guess many other languages.
William A. Hupy

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Re: seminal

Postby Slava » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:07 pm

Most definitely a very Good Word. One linked to many others, one of which has been dissected by the Good Dr.

As this one is the seminal one, though, I agree it deserves its own treatment.
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Philip Hudson
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Re: seminal

Postby Philip Hudson » Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:36 am

So seminal is seminal to the words it has spawned. That might be getting a little racy for an open forum like this.
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Re: seminal

Postby Slava » Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:46 am

So seminal is seminal to the words it has spawned. That might be getting a little racy for an open forum like this.
Nay, I say. Are we not looking to seed fecund young minds?
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Philip Hudson
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Re: seminal

Postby Philip Hudson » Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:12 pm

Slava: You are right, but I blush to admit it.
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