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Postby Dr. Goodword » Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:05 pm

• kleptocracy •

Pronunciation: klep-tah-krê-si • Hear it!

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: A government characterized by rampant greed, thievery, and corruption.

Notes: We are more familiar with the word kleptomania than we are with today's Good Word. A rotten politician who steals or takes bribes is a kleptocrat, but the noun from this word (kleptocracy) may refer to the complete panoply of political corruption: bribery, thievery, and any other form of corruption. Kleptocrats behave kleptocratically, the adverb from the adjective kleptocratic.

In Play: It is easy to find hyperbolic uses for today's word: "The Russian government is such a kleptocracy these days, the decision to go into politics has become an economic one." The government's control of large sums of money attracts thieves: "A cynical ring of kleptocrats has controlled the political process long enough to rack up a large per capita debt."

Word History: This word was created in the early 19th century from Greek kleptes "thief" + kratia "power, rule" = "rule by thieves". The Proto-Indo-European root klep- "to steal" was an extension of the root kel- "to cover, conceal", whence English cell. It is a cognate with Latin clepere "to steal, listen secretly to" and the Serbian words implying concealment, poklopac "cover, lid" and klopka "trap". Greek kratia comes from the same source as English hard. In fact, in Ionic Greek, a subdialect of literary Attic Greek, the word was spelled kartia. Apparently the word underwent metathesis in Attic Greek, whereby the vowel and the R traded places. The result was kratos "strong, powerful" in Greek, the word kratia was based on. (Today's Good Word is due Paul Ogden, one of the Good Word's pro bono editors to whom we owe especial gratitude.)
• The Good Dr. Goodword

Philip Hudson
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Re: Kleptocracy

Postby Philip Hudson » Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:33 pm

To some degree kleptocracy runs in every government. We must keep our government strong and just in the face of other governments who are run by kleptocracy.
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Re: Kleptocracy

Postby call_copse » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:21 am

"We must keep our government strong and just..."

That's something I would most strongly agree with.

Unfortunately I fear for justice in my country (UK), as we seem to follow the path forged by the US. It's very clear and obvious justice has slid into a wealth based system on that side of the pond - though perhaps it was always thus to a certain extent. To be fair I would characterise the US government is chiefly plutocratic, rather than kleptocratic.

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Re: Kleptocracy

Postby Debbymoge » Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:00 pm

"To be fair I would characterise the US government is chiefly plutocratic, rather than kleptocratic."

I'd have granted that difference to you until about a month (or less) ago when the leader of the House of Representatives (a Democrat, or what is supposed to pass for one nowadays) refused to bring forward a bill that would have required members of Congress to make public all stock transactions.

Do you call it "insider trading" in U.K. as well?
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Re: Kleptocracy

Postby Dr. Goodword » Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:02 pm

What about the multimillion-dollar yachts and three or four palatial homes around the world paid for by illegitimate money from somewhere. The Russian people?
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Re: Kleptocracy

Postby Debbymoge » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:59 am

Dear Good Doctor,
I'm not sure I understand what point you are making.
Did you mean that a number of people raking in billions of rubles is the definition of what makes a kleptocracy?
Does that mean a similar number of people in government raking in"only" millions of dollars cannot also be called a kleptocracy?

I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.

Philip Hudson
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Re: Kleptocracy

Postby Philip Hudson » Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:10 am

Plutocracy - where the rich get richer and the poor get babies. Yep! The US of A is somewhat a plutocracy. As Ann Richards said of her political rival, "Poor George, he can't help it, He was born with a silver foot in his mouth." Then Clayton Williams said something to the effect that if you are being raped you might as well lean back and enjoy it. That got a scathing remark from Ann Richards, "Rape is a crime of violence.'' I surely do miss Ann.
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