15th Anniversary of the Good Word!

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Dr. Goodword
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15th Anniversary of the Good Word!

Postby Dr. Goodword » Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:32 am

I can't believe I let this pass unnoticed: on December 10, 2004 subscribers received their first Good Word. I even received a good omen. Albert Skiles (remember him?) was one of our most prolific GW contributors until 2017 when he suddenly disappeared. I figured he tired of submitting words or had died.

Albert contacted me yesterday via one of my several e-mail addresses. I wrote a "welcome back" note to him and yesterday I received a reply from him informing me that it was his birthday and he thanked me for the birthday present. He pointed out that our contact page, via which he had submitted words all those years, wasn't working and set Andrew off trying to find a fix. My elder son Jeff in Boulder also had a birthday yesterday.

So the stars are shining brightly for the future of the series. Sorry, this is the only celebration I could muster.
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Re: 15th Anniversary of the Good Word!

Postby LukeJavan8 » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:32 pm

Happy Birthday, Doctor Goodword.

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Dr. Goodword
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Re: 15th Anniversary of the Good Word!

Postby Dr. Goodword » Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:02 pm

Thank you, Luke. All appreciation is appreciated.
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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