Convergent Evolution

A discussion of the peculiarities of languages and the differences between them.
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Convergent Evolution

Postby brogine » Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:53 pm

The use of ‘pronto’ in America certainly comes from Spanish heard in the southwest, yet the word was in use earlier in Britain (in a musical context), and borrowed from Italian!
Know any other examples of convergent evolution?

Speaking of language in the Old West, I always associated ‘newfangled’ with that period in a Gabby Hayes kinda way. Turns out it was used in Britain as early as the late 15th century.

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Re: Convergent Evolution

Postby Slava » Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:30 pm

Not sure I have anything to say about convergent evolution, but here's our good Dr.'s take on newfangled, from back in 2012.
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Re: Convergent Evolution

Postby brogine » Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:09 pm

Thinking back to the ‘Old West’, it would appear that ‘savvy’ is another example, in use in England at least as early as 1686.

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