
You have words - now what do you do with them?
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Postby brogine » Tue Jul 04, 2023 4:54 pm

“. . . they housed extraordinary tubeworm reefs like those found nowhere else.”

Narration in a documentary from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, presumably composed and reviewed before recording.

In the same film, a U of Alaska ‘wildlife ecologist’ refers to lichen as a ‘species’.

I want my mommy!

Afterthought: regarding the former, I suppose you could call it a case of a misplaced privative. Obviously, it should be ‘unlike those found anywhere else’.

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Re: “Rewrite!”

Postby Slava » Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:24 pm

Misplaced or dropped words happen a lot. Witness, "I could care less!"
Life is like playing chess with chessmen who each have thoughts and feelings and motives of their own.

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