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Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:41 am
by Palewriter
One way or another, I've been hearing this word all day. Not a word one hears that often, I thought to myself.

thwart (v)

Prevent the occurrence, realization or attainment of.


thwart (adv.)
c.1200, from O.N. þvert "across," originally neut. of thverr (adj.) "transverse, across," cognate with O.E. þweorh "transverse, perverse, angry, cross," from P.Gmc. *thwerkhaz (cf. M.Du. dwers, Du. dwars "cross-grained, contrary," O.H.G. twerh, Ger. quer, Goth. þwairhs "angry"), altered (by influence of *thwer- "to turn") from *therkh-, from PIE *twork-/*twerk- "twist" (cf. L. torquere "to twist," Skt. tarkuh "spindle," O.C.S. traku "band, girdle," O.H.G. drahsil "turner," Ger. drechseln "to turn on a lathe"). The verb meaning "oppose, hinder" is c.1250, from the adv. and prep.

Apparently, an interesting adverb that suddenly morphs into a verb. Notice, too, the root in "torquere" and the relationship to modern "torture." Apparently, thwarting (as an activity) began in about 1250.

Happily, we're still doing it today.

-- PW

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:42 pm
by gailr
Thwart is still a useful word where competition is rife.

But an alternate form, athwart, just sounds a bit over the top.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:07 pm
by Perry
Athwarting we will go
Athwarting we will go
High ho the merry'o
Athwarting we will go!