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We're on Facebook and Twitter

Postby Dr. Goodword » Thu May 21, 2009 11:02 pm

I am regularly updating alphaDictionary's pages on Facebook and Twitter for those of you who enjoy these sites. I think these links will get you there. If not, let me know and I'll try again.
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Postby BarbaraK » Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:48 pm

I tried to find you there..the link just brought me to my own Facebook page..a search did not turn up "alphadictionary"

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Postby Perry » Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:43 am

I've never joined either. I do my social networking here with my fellow agorans.
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Postby skinem » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:27 am

My goal is to be the last person on the face of the earth not on Facebook...so far, so good.

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Postby Slava » Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:37 pm

My goal is to be the last person on the face of the earth not on Facebook...so far, so good.
I'm not on these things, either. I have joined LinkedIn, but that's not a socializing site.

And, to the distinct horror of some of my classmates when they found out, I do not have a cell-phone. EEK!
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Postby skinem » Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:12 pm

And, to the distinct horror of some of my classmates when they found out, I do not have a cell-phone. EEK!
However do you survive? (please note sarcasm.)
I first got one about 12 years ago when my job bought me one and paid for it. I really grew to resent the electronic umbilical cord. It seem to mean that I truly did not have any time off as I could be called nearly any day any time. (I religiously turned it off for church and a few other times.)

The only reason I have one now is for business. I can't argue that they are convenient, but I resent the notion many people have that they are a necessity. I grew up without one and sujccessfully lived my life for 40 years without one.

My kids would tell me they were the only ones in the world without one. I was absolutely shocked at that statistic, that they were so deprived. I should be arrested for child neglect, if not outright abuse.

Slava, I don't know how old you are, but if you are a young person, you are certainly a rare exception.
Last edited by skinem on Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Slava » Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:45 pm

Slava, I don't know how old you are, but if you are a youjng person, you are certainly a rare exception.
Well, let's say I'm not of the generation that lives and breathes on technology. I do have a computer, but I don't even have TV.
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Postby Stargzer » Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:20 pm


However do you survive? (please note sarcasm.)
I first got one about 12 years ago when my job bought me one and paid for it. I really grew to resent the electronic umbilical cord. It seem to mean that I truly did not have any time off as I could be called nearly any day any time. ...
Back in the pre-cell phone days, when beepers were the rage (or caused rage), I knew one guy who'd set his beeper on silent and call it before he left work. Later, at home, when his wife wasn't looking, he'd flip it back on. BEEP-BEEP! "Hey, gotta go!" he said as he rolled out the door to the local bar. I think he finally died from blood in his alcohol stream.

(I religiously turned it off for church ... )
I would hope so ...

I got us a pair years ago to call for help in case of a breakdown while driving and other urgent communication. We had a limited calling plan then, so when one daughter would call to complain that the other was harrasing her, I'd tell her it just cost her $2.00 and hang up.

It was so long ago that they came in two styles: the smaller 1-Watt handheld and the larger 5-Watt bag phone. One day a got a phone bill about half or three-quarters of an inch thick. Someone had cloned my phone, probably as I drove down the interstate past the airport, and made a lot of calls from the Eastern Shore to Philadelphia. The phone company could obviously see that this was not my normal calling pattern, so they dropped the bill and had me put a PIN on my phone that had to be entered when calling.

I went through a few more phones until I got a Nokia 6800 that had a normal telephone keypad but flipped open to a full (yet tiny) QWERTY keyboard. Thank God I had the keyboard, because they couldn't copy my contacts over to the new phone, so I had to type in about 100 numbers. You really CAN touch type with your thumbs!

I used the Calendar to keep track of doctor appointments since they're made three months in advance, as well as other appointments. Now I have a Crackberry that makes it even easier to use the calendar and can also check on up to 9 different EMail accounts. I'd be lost without the calendar function, the notepad function, and the password-protected storage that lets me securely store my IDs and passwords for all my online accounts and bills as well as other important stuff.

Government Policy won't let me connect private devices to my office computer, so I can't sync my calendars that way, so I just forward a copy any office appointments to the Crackberry's email account, open up the mail when I get outside the building, and accept the appointment so it's put on my calendar. Works like a champ.

My office issued me a low-end phone for business that can pick up a signal in our complex, whereas the signal for my Crackberry only appears on top floors and close to certain windows. I don't rate a work-related Crackberry, but then, that can be "a good thing," as Martha would say.

Yeah, I'm a long-time technophile ...

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Postby Slava » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:36 pm

Yeah, I'm a long-time technophile ...
While I wouldn't say I'm a technophobe, I'm not all that enamored of what technology has brought us in the last decade or so. I do love soup, but perhaps I'm a progressophobe. I often take what we call "progress" with a very large grain of salt.
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Postby skinem » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:22 pm

While not a technophile, I'm no technophobe either...I do appreciate what it can bring. I guess what I'm not really a fan of is what seems to be society's increasing need, particularly among the young, to be constantly in touch. It seems that fewer and fewer people are content with self, quiet, contemplation, I don't know what to call it.

I saw something a while ago driving...4 boys, I'm guessing 12-15 in ages who had been washing a car in a driveway. The weren't actively washing, all four of them were standing scattered out no closer than 3-5 feet to each other, none of them facing the other, all with their heads down holding, texting and looking at their cell phones. They were together, yet they weren't. It just kind of summed up a lot of young people's seeming relation to people today. My wife joked that they were probably texting each other.

While I'm not at the level of a tv commercial I've seen ("We put the 'no' in innovation.), the thing that makes me roll my eyes is twitter. "I'm now picking lint out of my belly-button." I really don't want to follow anyone's stream of conciousness (as this post has become) nor, I'm certain does anyone want to follow mine. I'm certain, though, that the good Doc's will not be such a waste of bandwidth.

I know locally that twitter is being useful for weather warnings, emergency messaging, etc., but for social networking? No.

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Postby Stargzer » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:53 pm

The Good Doctor was on the Internet very early with his Web of Online Dictionaries, the grandfather of this site (we won't say much of what became of the father), so I can see why he's on Twitter and Facebook.

I don't have time to follow things or people on Twitter. There's too little bandwith for me in those short messages. What little free time I have is tied up here, where one can write in complete sentences, not worrying about the latest and greatest abbreviations. (When I think of SDLC, I still think first of Synchronous Data Link Control, an ancient IBM protocol, and not Systems Development Life Cycle, a planning buzzword from about 10 years ago.)

But I can still ROFLMMFAO with the best of them. :wink:

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
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Postby skinem » Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:30 pm

But I can still ROFLMMFAO with the best of them. :wink:
Do you type to your momma with those fingers? :lol:

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Postby Mama » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:39 pm

I tried to find you there..the link just brought me to my own Facebook page..a search did not turn up "alphadictionary"
Yes, how DO we find you on Facebook?

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Newbie of sorts

Postby LukeJavan8 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:01 pm

I was the 11,260th poster on another word site which
just died, they say, because of spam posting. I don't see
any here. I am looking for a site to replace the other
and this looks like a terrific place. I joined in October but
never posted until now, but have been on the site numerous times, looking up definitions and other interesting
things. So, am just trying out the "works" to see how
this "submit' thing is managed. So I am an Oldie/Newbie
looking for friends in language.
-----please, draw me a sheep-----

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Postby Stargzer » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:12 pm

Welcome aboard, LukeJavan8! We get spam here occasionally, but Andrew The Board God keeps it under control.

Just like a Chicago Democratic voter, you should post early and post often!

I just hope you're not allergic to puns ...

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
-- Attributed to Richard Henry Lee

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