Scrumping - A peculiarly english verb?

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Scrumping - A peculiarly english verb?

Postby herodotus1 » Sun May 08, 2011 10:03 am

I wondered what peoples definitions of scrumping might be? To me its always been used in one specific context. It is the stealing of apples without the owner's consent. I've never used it in context of other fruits or indeed other types of theft. Its always stood alone for me as a peculiarly english verb for which no other use could be made. Does anyone use it in another context or can they help me to establish the origin of the word?

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Postby Slava » Sun May 08, 2011 4:37 pm

Welcome to the Agora herodotus1.

Try here for a discussion on this one.

Personally, I'd never come across it before, so thanks.
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Junior Lexiterian
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Postby herodotus1 » Sun May 08, 2011 5:05 pm

Thanks very much that's really useful. I initiated a similar chat on facebook and was surprised to see how many used the verb to apply to the theft of all types of fruit and not just apples. This is where my confusion arose.

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