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Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:24 pm
by William Hupy
How is a paddock different from a corral? Is this American or universal in the English speaking world?

Re: Paddock

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:04 pm
by Perry Lassiter
The words are partial synonyms, but in my experience I expect paddocks to be found near racetracks as exercising and saddling areas for horses. Corrals evoke a western, cowboy pen, where horses and cattle can be penned or corralled. Notice corral may also be a verb, meaning to pen up or even round up. Used of horses and cattle, I've heard it used a good deal around schools and day cares. "Let's corral those youn'uns before one of them gets hurt. I checks and found dictionaries may find meadow or field a synonym for paddock, but when you say the word, I picture a race track or a thoroughbred horse farm.

Re: Paddock

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:43 am
by Bazr
A paddock is a much larger fenced off area where you can graze sheep, cattle, horses, etc. while a corral is much smaller and used to muster livestock. It is more like a holding yard.