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- If you did OK on the Rebel-Yankee Test, you should try the ADVANCED Rebel-Yankee Test. Just click here.
- Dr. Goodword's Glossary of Quaint Southernisms If you enjoyed the Rebel-Yankee test, you will probably enjoy these linguistic differences between North and South.
- Hear Steve Inskeep Interview Dr. Beard about the Rebel-Yankee Test on NPR
- What are people saying about the Rebel-Yankee Test? We have assembled some of your comments to share with you.
- Discuss accents and dialects with others. Now you can talk with others who have taken our test about your accent and theirs. You might want to talk about other topics, too, at our Alpha Agora.
- While you are here, check out our daily "So What's the Good Word?" word of the day feature. We select an interesting word and tell you all about it - how to say it, what it means, where it comes from, and how to use it. You can have it delivered to your email inbox daily, for free!