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Word Meaning Eponym
Hansard The official published report of the proceedings of a British-style parliamentary body. Luke Hansard (1752-1828), the English printer who printed the Journals of the House of Commons from 1774 to his death.
hansom cab A two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with the driver's seat behind the passengers. Joseph Aloysius Hansom (1803-82), an architect from Hinckley, Leicestershire, England, who designed and patented it.
hartree An atomic unit of energy. Douglas Rayner Hartree (1897-1958), English mathematician and physicist known for his work in numerical analysis and its application to atomic physics.
havelock A cloth covering for a cap with a flap protecting the back of the neck from the sun. Sir Henry Havelock (1795-1857), a British general in India during the colonial period.
hawkshaw A gumshoe, a detective, a PI. Hawkshaw the Detective from the 1863 play The Ticket of Leave Man by British dramatist Tom Taylor.
hector To pester, bully, push around. Hector, a Trojan prince and one of the greatest fighters in the Trojan War.
henry A unit of inductance created when an electromotive force of one volt is produced by varying current at the rate of one ampere per second. Joseph Henry (1797-1878), American physicist who discovered the electromagnetic phenomenon of self-inductance and whose work on the electromagnetic relay was critical to the invention of the telegraph.
Hepplewhite Of or related to an 18th-century English style of furniture characterized by graceful lines, the use of concave curves, and the heart-shaped backs of its chairs. George Hepplewhite (died 1786), an English cabinet-maker who developed the style.
herculean Huge, enormous, requiring immense strength. Hercules, a Greek hero forced to complete 12 extremely difficult tasks to restore himself in the eyes of the gods.
hermaphrodite A person or animal with traits of both sexes. Hermaphroditos, son of Hermes and Aphrodite in Greek mythology, who was transformed into a hermaphrodite by a forced union with the nymph Salmacis.
hermetic Sealed air-tight. From New Latin hermticus "alchemical", from the name of Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes Thrice-Great), the Greek name of an Egyptian priest and scholar known for his mastery of all three domains of knowledge of the time.
hertz A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857-94), German physicist who was the first to demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic radiation using a device he built to produce UHF radio waves.
hooligan A ruffian, delinquent, mean person who does damage. The name figured in a popular music-hall song of the 1890s, which described the doings of a rowdy Irish family by the name of Hooligan.
hoover A vacuum cleaner (UK). William Henry Hoover (1849-1932), American businessman who began producing vacuum cleaners after purchasing the patent from a family acquaintance, James Murray Spangler.
hyacinth A bulb plant (Hyacinthus orientalis) that flowers early in the spring with several spears of bell-shaped flowers. From Greek huakinthos "wild hyacinth", also the name of Hyacinthus, a divine hero, the son of Clio and Pierus, King of Macedonia, for which one of the principal Spartan festivals, the Hyacinthia, was held every summer.
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