Roman Numerals

Roman numerals are written as combinations of the seven letters in the table below. The letters can be written as capital (XVI) or lower-case letters (xvi).

Roman Numerals
I = 1 C = 100
V = 5 D = 500
X = 10 M = 1000
L = 50  

If smaller numbers follow larger numbers, the numbers are added. If a smaller number precedes a larger number, the smaller number is subtracted from the larger. For example:

  • VIII = 5+3 = 8
  • IX = 10-1 = 9
  • XL = 50-10 = 40
  • XC = 100-10 = 90
  • MCMLXXXIV = 1000+(1000-100)+50+30+(5-1) = 1984
Roman Numeral table
1 I 14 XIV 27 XXVII 150 CL
2 II 15 XV 28 XXVIII 200 CC
3 III 16 XVI 29 XXIX 300 CCC
4 IV 17 XVII 30 XXX 400 CD
5 V 18 XVIII 31 XXXI 500 D
6 VI 19 XIX 40 XL 600 DC
7 VII 20 XX 50 L 700 DCC
8 VIII 21 XXI 60 LX 800 DCCC
9 IX 22 XXII 70 LXX 900 CM
10 X 23 XXIII 80 LXXX 1000 M
11 XI 24 XXIV 90 XC 1600 MDC
12 XII 25 XXV 100 C 1700 MDCC
13 XIII 26 XXVI 101 CI 1900 MCM