Conjunctions connect the clauses of compound sentences.

@ The Subordinating Conjunctions @

Subordinate or dependent clauses do not have equal status with the main clause but either modify the main clause in some way or are a part of the main clause. Causative subordinate clauses, for example, provide the cause of the state or action expressed in the main clause, e.g. I drink milk because I like cows. In this sentence the dependent clause, introduced by because, tells us why I like milk, where I like milk is the main clause. Russian subordinate clauses are very similar. Я люблю молоко, потому что я люблю коров.

In sentences like I thought that you liked milk, too, the subordinate clause is the direct object of the verb thought and hence a part of the main clause. Russian sentences reflect similar structures: Я думала, что ты тоже любишь молоко. Below is a list of the most common Russian conjunctions. To learn more about them, just click.

Russian Subordinating Conjunctions
Conjunction Meaning Semantic Function
чтоthatVerbal Complements
(для того,) чтобы(in order) to Purpose, Intention
так как, потому что, ибоsince, because Cause
если (коли, раз)if Condition
ли if/whetherEmbedded question
которыйwho/which/thatRelative Pronoun
пока (. . . не)while/until Duration/Future Time
T-K constructions[Special]Relative Clauses

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© 1996 Robert Beard