
Use this forum to suggest Good Words for Professor Beard.
M. Henri Day
Grand Panjandrum
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Postby M. Henri Day » Fri May 13, 2005 7:24 am

Inspired by a recent GWotD, which, though it connotes more or less the opposite, sounds as if it were a cognate to the following, I propose this useful word (Disclaimer : I categorically regect beforehand any and all claims to the effect that it describes my personality to a «T» !) :
truc·u·lent Listen:: [...]

  • 1.Disposed to fight; pugnacious.

    2.Expressing bitter opposition; scathing: a truculent speech against the new government.

    3.Disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce.
[Latin truculentus, from trux, truc-, fierce; see terə-[sup]2[/sup] in Indo-European roots.]

trucu·lent·ly adv.

PS : The little box above after «ter» represents my attempt to write the IPA «upside-down e» ; to my surprise & # 601 ; (without the extra spaces) doesn't seem to work. Perhaps Tim, Garzo, Anders, or others more familiar with the system could help ?...

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Postby tcward » Fri May 13, 2005 5:33 pm

Funny, looks like an upside down 'e' to me!


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Re: truculent

Postby Stargzer » Fri May 13, 2005 6:56 pm

. . . I categorically regect beforehand any and all claims to the effect that it describes my personality to a «T» !) :
truc·u·lent Listen:: [...]

  • . . . 2.Expressing bitter opposition; scathing: a truculent speech against the new government.
. . .

PS : The little box above after «ter» represents my attempt to write the IPA «upside-down e» ; to my surprise & # 601 ; (without the extra spaces) doesn't seem to work. Perhaps Tim, Garzo, Anders, or others more familiar with the system could help ?...
I agree, Henri, I'd chalk it up to just plain old ordinary contrariness! :D

I couldn't see the schwa, only the box. I tried several encodings including UTF-8.

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
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Re: truculent

Postby tcward » Fri May 13, 2005 7:35 pm

(Disclaimer : I categorically regect beforehand any and all claims to the effect that it describes my personality to a «T» !)
That's ok... I categorically reject your spelling of 'reject'!

-Tim :wink:

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Re: truculent

Postby anders » Sat May 14, 2005 4:32 pm

The little box above after «ter» represents my attempt to write the IPA «upside-down e» ; to my surprise & # 601 ; (without the extra spaces) doesn't seem to work. Perhaps Tim, Garzo, Anders, or others more familiar with the system could help ?...
Sometimes the preview box displays & codes for what finally turns up perfectly OK. Anyway, I, like Tim, see a perfect schwa, without having to resort to copying and pasting into Word.

Edited to add:
I copied it anyway, and Word said that most of it was Verdana, but the schwa was Arial. So you probably would have to have Arial installed (strangely enough, it says just Arial, not Arial Unicode MS).
Irren ist männlich

M. Henri Day
Grand Panjandrum
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Location: Stockholm, SVERIGE

Re: truculent

Postby M. Henri Day » Mon May 16, 2005 4:42 am

That's ok... I categorically reject your spelling of 'reject'! ... :wink:
I reject it as well, Tim - the strange thing is that I have a distinct memory of having corrected this error after the first preview ! Also strange is that, like Larry, no matter how I fiddle with the encoding of the fonts available on my machine, I can't get the IPA «schwa» to appear. Results of the machinations of Agora poltergeists, perhaps ?...


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