Active and inactive members of Alpha Agora

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Philip Hudson
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Active and inactive members of Alpha Agora

Postby Philip Hudson » Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:00 am

There seems to be a paucity of discussion on this forum recently. I am probably among the chief laggards. My mind has been occupied with too many other matters of late. I plan to become more active. Let's ramp up the conversation. The English Language is to precious to ignore. I believe the English language is the greatest artifact that God has ever allowed mankind to create.
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Re: Active and inactive members of Alpha Agora

Postby Slava » Wed May 16, 2018 2:29 pm

It would be wonderful to get more people posting, I agree. I wish I knew how to bring them out of the woodwork.
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Dr. Goodword
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Re: Active and inactive members of Alpha Agora

Postby Dr. Goodword » Tue May 22, 2018 6:00 am

We need not only more conversation, we need more visitors. The traffic to the website has dropped from 350,000, which brought in $500-$600/month from Google ads for the 12 years it remained at that level, enough to almost cover the costs of the site, to 85,000 last month, resulting in a drop of Google revenue to $100/month.

When Google paid for most of the site, I had Lexiteria to cover the rest of it. It dropped about the time Lexiteria went out of business and the responsibility for it fell solely to me.

The drop was caused by Google's adding "This site is mobile unfriendly" to every response to an alphaDictionary key-word search—and only for alphaDictionary. There is also more competition from time-consuming videos. Maybe I got too smug after 12 years at 350k no matter what I did or didn't do.

The Google ad revenue has risen to $200/month for the past three months, but I can't explain the rise; better targeting, I guess. The loss of traffic effected a corresponding drop in the position of alphaDictionary in Google searches.

I'm putting ads up. I will be adding a new feature before the end of the week. The only other thing that occurs to me is for the current subscribers to tell their word-loving friends about the site and encourage them to sign up and participate in the Agora. I've noticed that we do have 2-3 new participants.
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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