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Dr. Goodword
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Postby Dr. Goodword » Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:50 pm

• privy •

Pronunciation: pri-vee • Hear it!

Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun

Meaning: 1. [Adjective] Having access to confidential information (privy to plans of war). 2. [Adjective] Private, confidential, as a privy council, a council that advises a head of state on the most secret and confidential of matters. 3. [Adjective] Secluded, hidden, as a privy place to escape family. 4. [Noun] A bathroom or toilet.

Notes: Although the history below shows that privy and private share the same ultimate source, the meaning of the word changed at least as much as its forms. Private still refers to that which is personal and individual, but privy drifted to a sense of secluded privacy and thence to the sense of what is the only place of seclusion in the house, the bathroom. An interesting sidenote: American speakers change the pronunciation of privy in the noun, privacy, but the British do not. Americans look for a little privacy [prai-vê-see], but the British look for a bit of privacy [pri-vê-see].

In Play: The widest use of this word is in the sense of having access to confidential information: "Grinnell's secretary is privy to all his telephone calls, and she lets his wife know of anything suspicious." However, don't forget the other three: "The only privy place I have to read my privy mail is in the privy."

Word History: English has been lifting words from other languages for so long, it has often picked up two words from one by borrowing the same word at different historical periods of its development. Today's word originated with Latin privatus "deprived of (public office)" hence "private, civilian", the past participle of privare "to deprive". English borrowed the Latin form. As you know, however, French is simply Latin as it developed in France, so that word remained in French and became privé "private". We borrowed the French form, too, and it ended up as today's Good Word, privy. The Latin verb privare, by the way, is based on the adjective privus "single, individual", a word that shares its origin with the English word first. (Now I will make all our readers privy to the fact that Susanne Southwood is the individual who suggested today's Good Word.)
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Re: Privy

Postby jerrythebeeguy » Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:50 am

"Private" is also used to describe the lowest (or first) rank in the military. The second rank is "private first class" which seems to be a bit of a redundancy.

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Re: Privy

Postby LukeJavan8 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:11 pm

and adding the plural "s", referring to one's genitals, et. al.
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Perry Lassiter
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Re: Privy

Postby Perry Lassiter » Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:24 pm

One year in seminary I had a roommate from London. One evening he looked up from his desk and asked, " do you Americans use the word outhouse? "I asked what he meant, and he replied that he was speaking of buildings around a farmhouse for example. I told him we did use it that way, but most frequently we thought of outdoor toilets or privies. " Well then, "says he, "it would be best not to say in my sermon tomorrow that Jesus was born in an outhouse?

Philip Hudson
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Re: Privy

Postby Philip Hudson » Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:50 pm

One can get into trouble with differences in British and American meanings to the same words. In the US a bum is an itinerate beggar. Not so in England.

In France at the time they had kings, they had a privy council in the king's privy. Then king was multitasking!
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